Changes to our funding

Read about current and historic reviews and changes to Maritime NZ funding, that ensure our capability to work in the domestic and foreign maritime sectors.

Funding review

As a transport sector agency, under the Transport Regulatory System Funding Principles, Maritime New Zealand is required to undertake a full review of fees and levies every six years, with mid-point checks every three years.

A review of maritime levy rates was originally scheduled to occur during 2021/22. Government agreed to delay this review due to the disruption from COVID-19 impacts.

We consulted on a rescheduled funding review over July - August 2023.

Funding review consultation information 2023

This funding review closed 5pm Wednesday, 16 August 2023 and was approved by Cabinet in April 2024. It takes effect from 1 July 2024. In the interim, the levy rates set out in legislation continue to apply.

Maritime NZ’s revenue comes from a variety of fees, levies (Maritime Levies, Fuel Excise Duty, Health and Safety at Work Levy (Working Safer Levy) and Oil Pollution Levies) and Crown funding. This is used to fund all activities Maritime NZ is required by law to undertake, including supporting the regulatory, compliance and response system.