Aids to navigation

Find out how to apply to install, alter or remove an aid to navigation.


Installing, altering or removing an aid to navigation is a two-step process. Applicants must:

Aids to navigation guideline [PDF: 1.86Mb, 49 pages]

Note that the delegations to harbourmasters are still being progressed.

Marine farm guidelines [PDF: 1.5MB, 28 pages]

Application requirements:

  • you must gain permission before applying and installing an aid to navigation on another person’s property
  • you must complete a form for each aid to navigation
  • you must supply supporting information that may be relevant to your application. For example:
    • tidal information
    • copies of resource consents
  • your application must be signed by the local harbourmaster or harbour authority.

Responsibilities while an application is being made:

The person or organisation making an application must ensure that they remain responsible for the continued maintenance and upkeep of the aid to navigation(s) in all respects and at all times while the application is being assessed and processed.

If the person or organisation making an application is informed that the aid to navigation under application is out of order, they need to rectify the problem within an appropriate time frame.


  • These fees are effective from 1 July 2019.
  • All charges are in New Zealand currency and include goods and services tax (GST).
Document or service provided Hourly rate $245
Erection or alteration of navigational aids  
Assessment of applications under Resource Management Act 1991 affecting navigation  

How to apply

These steps provide a basic overview of the application process:

1. Before applying

If you intend to install an aid to navigation on another person’s property, make sure you have gained their permission.

2. Application form and documentation

Complete a form for each navigational aid and gather your supporting documents.

Application to install, alter or remove an aid to navigation [PDF: 153kB, 2 pages] Application to install, alter or remove an aid to navigation - EXAMPLE ONLY [PDF: 350kB, 2 pages]

More help with your application


3. Approval from local harbourmaster or harbour authority

Your application must be signed by the local harbourmaster or harbour authority.

4. Submit your application

You can submit your application online or send it to MNZ by courier, post and/or by email.

5. Confirmation your application is received

MNZ will send you an email or letter to confirm that we have received your application.

6. Application assessment

MNZ will assess your application.

You may be asked to provide further information.

7. Issue of approval

If you are successful, MNZ will issue you an approval to install, alter or remove an aid to navigation.
An invoice will be sent to the applicant once an application has been considered.

Approval conditions and expiry

The Director’s approval to install, alter or remove an aid to navigation is made on the condition that the work is completed within a certain timeframe.

The expiry date of the approval is stated on a copy of the approval which is sent to the applicant.

A new form (Aids to navigation: Completion Form – Condition to the approval to install, alter or remove an aid to navigation – MNZ 16006C) is also sent to the applicant at the same time. This form gives the MNZ approval number and expiry date of approval.

Expiry of the approval before the work is completed and before form MNZ 16006C is returned may require the applicant to re-apply for approval. Any re-application may incur additional fees.

Confirm completion of work

Maritime New Zealand, Land Information New Zealand and mariners need to know when the proposed work has actually been done so that notices about navigation aids are timely and accurate.

The form “Aids to navigation: Completion Form – Condition to the approval to install, alter or remove an aid to navigation – MNZ 16006C” is sent to the applicant when approval is granted. The form must be completed and returned for every aid to navigation for which approval has been granted and the work completed.

The form will verify that the approved work has actually been done, the date, the final measured position plus other details and photographic evidence.

Notice to mariners

Application approvals and updates to related nautical charts are published by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) in their fortnightly Notice to Mariners (NTMs).

Notice to Mariners


Contact us

If you have any questions about this process or would like to submit your application, contact us:

New Zealand (toll free):
0508 22 55 22

Calling from outside New Zealand:
+64 4 473 0111

Postal address:
The Administrator
Technical, Environment and Navigation
Maritime New Zealand
PO Box 25620, Wellington