New Zealand Oil Spill Control Agents (NZOSCAs)

View the register of MNZ approved NZOSCAs and read the background into the approval process.

NZOSCA Register

Below is the register of products approved as New Zealand Oil Spill Control Agents (NZOSCAs).

Each NZOSCA is subject to Standing Conditions and can only be used during an oil spill response if authorised by a marine oil spill contingency plan, or by the On-Scene Commander.

Products currently under review for approval are not listed.

Radiagreen OSD Dispersant (Type 2/3)
Approval conditions or requirements: Standing Conditions (rule 132.65)
Approval date: 3 December 2004
Approval issued to: Oleon NV
Applicant: Oleon NV, Belgium
COREXITTM EC9500A Dispersant (Type 2/3)
Approval conditions or requirements: Standing Conditions (rule 132.65)
Approval date: 6 September 2002
Approval issued to: ONDEO Nalco NZ Ltd
Applicant: COREXIT Environmental Solutions LLC, USA
COREXITTM 9527 Dispersant (Type 2/3)
Approval conditions or requirements: Standing Conditions (rule 132.65)
Approval date: 15 October 1975
Approval issued to: Esso
Applicant: COREXIT Environmental Solutions LLC, USA
Shell Dispersant VDC (Slickgone LTSW) Dispersant (Type 2/3)
Approval conditions or requirements: Standing Conditions (rule 132.65)
Approval date: 24 March 1988
Approval issued to: Shell Chemicals NZ Ltd
Applicant: Dasic International Ltd, UK
Slickgone NS Dispersant (Type 2/3)
Approval conditions or requirements: Standing Conditions (rule 132.65)
Approval date: 15 February 2003
Approval issued to: Spill Tech Pty Ltd
Applicant: Dasic International Ltd, UK
Gamlen Oil Dispersant LT Dispersant (Type 2/3)
Approval conditions or requirements: Standing Conditions (rule 132.65)
Approval date: 9 October 1978
Approval issued to: Gamlen Chemical Co. (N.Z.) Ltd., Auckland
Applicant: Solenis, USA
Finasol OSR 52 Dispersant (Type 3)
Approval conditions or requirements: Standing Conditions (132.65)
Approval date: 7 September 2017
Approval issued to: Total Fluides SAS, France
Applicant: Total Fluides SAS, France


About NZOSCA approval

Any product that is used or discharged into New Zealand waters for the purpose of an oil spill response must be approved by Maritime NZ prior to use. Approval is required under Marine Protection Rule Part 132 (New Zealand Oil Spill Control Agents).

Marine Protection Rules Part 132

Dispersants are the most commonly known group of NZOSCA. All groups that require approval are:

  • dispersants
  • surface cleaners/washing agents
  • bioremediation agents
  • loose sorbents
  • degreasers
  • solidifying or gelling agents
  • emulsion breakers/demulsifiers
  • herding agents
  • wicking agents.


NZOSCA notices

View the list of NZOSCA approval and withdrawal notifications.

NZOSCA approval and withdrawal notifications [PDF: 332kB, 2 pages]