Maritime Rules Part 51

Crew Accommodation

Current version of Part 51

This rule applies to:

New Zealand commercial ships of 200 tonnes gross tonnage or more operating in offshore limits and the unlimited area except:

  • ships that do not proceed beyond enclosed water limits
  • ships of less than 500 tonnes gross tonnage which do not proceed beyond restricted coastal limits
  • fishing ships
  • ships primarily propelled by sail
  • high-speed craft
  • ships undertaking a voyage of less than 15 minutes duration.
Maritime Rules Part 51 [PDF: 505kB, 61 pages]

Part 51 prescribes the crew accommodation standards for certain New Zealand commercial ships operating in offshore limits and the unlimited area.

The standards, which give effect to International Labour Organisation crew accommodation conventions and recommendations, cover all those areas of a ship that crew occupy or use outside the ship’s workspaces, including:

  • the sleeping and recreation rooms
  • galleys
  • laundries
  • sanitary accommodation (baths, showers, WCs)
  • drying rooms
  • store rooms.

Part 51 also sets minimum standards for heating, ventilation and, for new ships of 1600 tonnes or more, sound insulation of bulkheads and decks.

Crew accommodation requirements for ships not covered by Part 51 are found in Parts 40A, 40C, 40D and 40.

History of Part 51



This part was amended by a notice in the New Zealand Gazette on 27 August 2020, noting a change to material incorporated by reference.



This Part was amended by Maritime Rules Various Amendments on 13 December 2019.

Maritime Rules Various Amendments 2019 [PDF: 767kB, 15 pages]



This Part was amended by Maritime Rules Various Amendments 2016 in November 2016.

Maritime Rules Various Amendments 2016 [PDF: 286kB, 15 pages]



This Part was amended by Maritime Rules Part 51 MLC 2015 which was signed off by the Minister on the 1st of December 2015, however did not enter into force until the 9 March 2017.

Maritime Rules Part 51 MLC 2015 [PDF: 1.7Mb, 35 pages]


This Part was amended by Maritime Rules Various Amendments 2014, in 2015.

Maritime Rules Various Amendments 2014 [PDF: 366kB, 18 pages]



This part was amended by Parts 20, 31, 32, 34 and 35: Consequential Amendments in April 2014.

Parts 20, 31, 32, 34 and 35: Consequential Amendments 2014 [PDF: 378kB, 14 pages]



This part was amended by Maritime Rules Various Amendments 2011, in 2011.

Maritime Rules Various Amendments 2011 [PDF: 948kB, 15 pages]



This part was amended by Maritime Rules Parts 20-90 in 2004.

Maritime Rules Amendments to Parts 20-90 2004 [PDF: 224kB, 44 pages]


New part comes into force

Part 51 entered into force on 25 November 1999 (Part 51 replaced the Shipping (Crew Accommodation) Regulations 1974).

New part signed

Part 51 was signed into law by the Transport Minister on 17 October 1999.

Part 51: Original rule [PDF: 5.55Mb, 53 pages]